MasterChef V1
Scads MasterChef v1 is a main staking contract for Farms while providing more flexibility for adjusting the $SCADS emissions, including Scads pool, burn and other Scads products.
Do I need to migrate?
If you are currently using old Scads MasterChef, you will need to migrate to the new contract (0x97B631AcBAC4C38Bb0AA18691ea60dB2754609FB).
If you are currently using the enterStaking(uint256 _amount)
on the current Scads MasterChef. You need to migrate to the new Scads pool contract. Check out the related documentation here.
The deposit function for the farm pools is unchanged. However, you will need to upgrade the MasterChef address and the pid
, check out the list of farms for the list of new pids
on MasterChef v1.
Pool types
MasterChef v1 have only one type of pool: Regular farm pools.
Regular farm pools: the regular LP tokens farms. For example SCADS-BUSD...
If you are currently using the leaveStaking(uint256 _amount)
on the current Scads MasterChef. You need to migrate to the new pool contract. Check out the related documentation here.
The withdraw function for the farm pools is unchanged. However, you will need to update the MasterChef address and the pid
, check out the list of farms for the list of new pids
on MasterChef v1.
Staking Balance
Use userInfo[_pid][_user].amount
to query the staking balance.
Staking Token
Note that the new PoolInfo
struct does not contain the lp token address field, you will need to use lpToken(_pid)
to query any given pool's staking token.
Total Staking Shares/Amount
Use lpToken.balanceOf(MasterChef.address)
to get the total staking amount for any given farm pool.
Multiple Rewards Update
Use massUpdatePools() to detect and distribute pending multiple rewards to the users.
You can check more details of multiple rewards distribution in Farms & Pools.
Mainnet Contract Address
MasterChef V1 is not deployed on Mainnet yet.
Contract name: MasterChef v1 Contract address:
View the Scads: Main Staking Contract v2 on BscScan.
Testnet Environment
You can use the following testnet environment to test the integration of your project with the Scads MasterChef v1. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Dummy Tokens:
(mintable by usingmint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public
(mintable by usingmint(uint256 amount) public
Factory and Router
Factory V1:
Router V2:
LP Pairs
pid0: Manual CAKE
pid4: Dummy Pool for MasterChef v2
pid5: CAKE-BUSD:
pid6: CAKE-WBNB:
Last updated