How does PULSE work
How to run Pulse
Pulse runs every 12 hours automatically by Z-Service
Please check more details about Z-Service here
What happens in Pulse
1. SNACKS Buy/BuyBack
Pulse takes 10% of available SCADS balance and it will be minted as SNACKS.
Pulse takes 10% of currently available SNACKS balance and it will be redeemed back to SCADS.
2. SNACKS Staking
Pulse takes 10% of SNACKS and stake it in the SNACKS Staking Pool.
Whenever Pulse deposits SNACKS to the SNACK Staking Pool, pending rewards will be claimed automatically.
3. Farming
Pulse sell 10% of available SCADS balance to BUSD via SCADS-BUSD LP.
Pulse create SCADS-BUSD LP by BUSD and the same worth SCADS
Pulse stakes SCADS-BUSD LP in Farm Pool.
Whenever Pulse deposits SCADS-BUSD LP to the Farm Pool, pending rewards will be claimed automatically.
4. BTCSNACK Buy/BuyBack
Pulse rem 10% of available BTC balance and it will be minted as BTCSNACKS.
Pulse takes 10% of currently available BTCSNACKS balance and it will be redeemed back to BTC.
5. ETHSNACK Buy/BuyBack
Pulse rem 10% of available ETH balance and it will be minted as ETHSNACKS.
Pulse takes 10% of currently available ETHSNACKS balance and it will be redeemed back to ETH.
Last updated