
ETHSNACKS is a bond token for ETH. It is working as a yield curve token.

How to calculate ETHSNACKS price

ETHSNACKS tokens are issued according to a linear bonding curve.

It means every ETHSNACKS price will be separate and different based on current Total Supply. ETHSNACKS price is calculated by below formula.

Price = Total Supply x Multiplier

Here, multiplier is 0.00000001(1/100,000,000). So for every million tokens in existence, ETHSNACKS will be 1 ETH more expensive.

The same works in reverse. If ETHSNACKS supply is decreased by 1 million tokens, the price will also decrease by 1 ETH.

Initial price will be 0.00000001 per ETHSNACKS and price goes up with every minting of the token. At 100,000,000 minted ETHSNACKS the price will be 1 ETH per ETHSNACKS – but as they are reclaimed / burned – the price goes down proportionately as well.

Remember, ETHSNACKS is not a typical asset that has its price set by a Liquidity Pool. It can only be minted with ETH.

How to trade ETHSNACKS

ETHSNACKS Buy - Minting ETHSNACKS instead of lock ETH

Users can buy ETHSNACKS with ETH in Scads.

ETHSNACKS bond token is minted instead of same worth ETH locked in ETHSNACKS contract.

In other words, ETHSNACKS is the other type of locked ETH so users need to lock same worth ETH get ETHSNACKS. It is similar with exchange.

ETHSNACKS BuyBack - Redeem ETHSNACKS to release ETH

Users can buyback ETHSNACKS to get ETH in Scads.

ETHSNACKS BuyBack is the reverse of ETHSNACK Buy to release ETH locked. It is the process to get ETH from ETHSNACKS

Please check below to discover details of how to buy/buyback ETHSNACKS

How to distribute Buy/BuyBack Fee

5% fee in ETHSNACKS mint, 10% fee in ETHSNACKS redeem applied in Scads

Buy/BuyBack will be provided as rewards to several parts of SCADS eco-system. Whenever buy or buyback ETHSNACKS, mint or redeem fee will be generated and distribute it soon. Fee is shared as following:

Distributed to
Fee Share Percentage





SNACKS Holders


SNACKS Single Staking


Seniorage Wallet


For example:

When user buy 5,000 ETHSNACKS

If 5,000 ETHSNACKS are minted there is a 5% tax. User will get 4,750 ETHSNACKS sent to their wallet.

The rest 250 ETHSNACKS are distributed as follows:


75 ETHSNACKS are distributed equally to all holders of ETHSNACKS (based on amount held)

37.5 ETHSNACKS are distributed equally to all holders of SNACKS (based on amount held)

37.5 ETHSNACKS to single SNACKS staking pool

25 ETHSNACKS are sent to seniorage wallet

When user buyback 5,000 ETHSNACKS

If 5,000 ETHSNACKS are claimed there is a 10% tax. User will only receive the converted SCADS on 4,500 ETHSNACKS.

The rest 500 ETHSNACKS are distributed as follows:


150 ETHSNACKS are distributed equally to all holders of ETHSNACKS (based on amount held)

75 ETHSNACKS are distributed equally to all holders of SNACKS (based on amount held)

75 ETHSNACKS to single SNACKS staking pool

50 ETHSNACKS are sent to seniorage wallet

Last updated