SCADS Mint is the place where users can get SCADS by BUSD deposit as 1:1 ratio
Methods to get SCADS
There are 2 ways to get SCADS in Scads. One way is to exchange BUSD to SCADS via SCADS-BUSD LP. Another way is to mint SCADS. For both ways, users need to deposit BUSD.
Exchange BUSD to SCADS
In Scads, there is SCADS-BUSD LP as default. Users can exchange BUSD to SCADS, SCADS to BUSD via this LP. They can also add SCADS-BUSD LP to get rewards as Liquidity Provider. You can check how to add/remove liquidity and how to trade
The convert rate between BUSD and SCADS keeps to change according reserved amount in LP automatically. It's because Scads runs on AMM around of Liquidity.
SCADS Mint by BUSD Deposit
In Scads, users can mint SCADS directly at 1:1 ratio for BUSD/USDT/USDC. When a user mints SCADS by Stable Coins – the mint contract will issue SCADS at a 1-1 value from the Prepared TOTAL Supply. You can check more details about SCADS here
Differently with exchange via SCADS-BUSD LP, SCADS Mint keeps the convert rate as 1:1. So 1 SCADS is 1 BUSD in Mint
Current Scads built for only SCADS-BUSD mint
How to mint SCADS
Prepare to mint SCADS
Users can mint SCADS at any time If they have enough BUSD holding. Please try to mint SCADS here.
You can check how to get BEP20 Tokens if you have no BUSD
Getting SCADS in Mint Page
Navigate Mint/SCADS page
2. Input the same BUSD amount as SCADS you want to mint. At that time, SCADS amount will be changed as same amount too automatically.
3. To approve BUSD in mint contract, click "Enable" button
4. To mint SCADS after enabled BUSD, click "Mint" button
5. If SCADS was minted successfully, you can check the increased SCADS balance in your connected wallet.
Last updated