How to use Pools
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Staking in Pools is the easy way to earn multiple rewards in Scads.
Users can deposit SCADS or SNACKS to the pools, claim rewards increasing according their staked token balance and withdraw the staked tokens at any time.
Users need to choose suitable pool and prepare enough tokens before jumping into the staking.
Before you proceed, you'll want to choose a Pool that's right for you. Visit the Pools page and you’ll see a list of available Pools.
There are 2 pools, SCADS Staking Pool and SNACKS Staking Pool in V1.
There are 3 ways to get SCADS in Scads. For both cases, users need BUSD.
SCADS mint by BUSD deposit as 1:1 ratio
SNACKS BuyBack - Redeem SNACKS to get SCADS
Please check below to discover more details.
There is only one way to get SNACKS
SNACKS Buy - Deposit SCADS to mint SNACKS
Please check below to discover more detail.
Go back to the Pools page and locate your Pool. Click "Details" showing your pair. It will expand to show more details.
When you’re ready, click the Enable button and confirm your action in your wallet.
2. After a short wait, the Enable button will change to Stake. Click it and a new window will appear.
Type the amount of LP Tokens you would like to farm with into the field, or just click Max to use all of your LP Tokens.
3. When you have the amount entered, the Confirm button will light up. Click it. Your wallet will ask you to confirm your action.
4. After a short wait, the window will close, and you will see your new staked Token balance in the details.
You may decide you would like to add more Tokens to a Pool at a later date, or to take some out of a Farm. You can do this very easily whenever you'd like.
Return to the Pools page. At the top of the page you'll see a Staked only toggle. Click the toggle.
You should now only see the pairs you have Tokens in on the list, making it easier to find your Pool.
2. Find the Pool you have Tokens in. You will see a - and + button on the right-hand side. Click - to remove LP Tokens, or + to add more LP Tokens.
3. A window will open that looks like the one you used earlier to first stake your Tokens. Like last time, type the amount you would like to unstake/stake, or click Max to remove/add all available Tokens.
4. Make sure your information is correct. When you are ready, click the Confirm button and confirm the action in your wallet.
5. After a short wait, your new balance will show in the details section of your Token. If you've unstaked your Tokens, any unharvested rewards you had will automatically have been collected.
Staking will bring you multiple rewards over time. You can collect these rewards and use them to create LP tokens, stake LPs in Farms, add liquidity, use them to do anything else you’d like.
If you'd like to collect your staking rewards, follow along.
To collect your rewards, you’ll need to visit your chosen Pool and collect the multiple rewards(SCADS & SNACKS) waiting for you.
Return to the Pools page here.
Find the Pool you staked your SCADS in, and click the row to view details. You should see an estimate of your 2 rewards next to “SCADS earned, SNACKS earned".
3. Click the Collect button and confirm the action in your wallet. After a short wait, the multiple rewards will be claimed to your wallet for you to use as you like.
How often you harvest your rewards is up to you, but it does help to remember that there is a small fee involved in harvesting. Scads has unique multiple distribution system to update pools every 12 hours. So users can claim 2 times per day at maximum.
Please check here to discover more details of how to provide rewards in Pool
You can see this fee in your wallet when confirming after clicking Collect.
This shows the fee for harvesting as it appears in the MetaMask wallet. Different wallets will show the information a little differently. Consider leaving your rewards to grow for a while so you pay fees less often.
And that's all there is to it! You may also want to look at how to use Scads Farms to earn rewards.
Happy staking!